In the video clip below Todd Dagenais, Head Women’s Volleyball Coach at University of Central Florida demonstrates a serve receive drill that he uses to train his libero. The drill is called the Goalie Drill.
The drill is relatively simple and is designed to maximize reps and test the mental toughness of your libero as well as other players in serve receive. To set this drill up you will need three boxes on one side of the net. Servers will serve from atop the boxes to three back row defenders. The servers will serve in order ( for example left to right) with very little time elapsing between serves. The defensive players will receive and attempt to make a perfect pass to the setter.
The drill can be varied. One can demand a certain number of perfect passes before switching groups or you can simply switch after a certain number of balls. Coach Dagenais has his defensive players switch positions in the back row after every 6 balls ( two from each server)
This drill is from Coach Dagenais Libero Training DVD. If you are interested in learning more about his 3 disc training program click the link Libero: The Definitive Guide!
The YouTube video below has audio, so please make sure that your sound is turned on. Click the arrow to play the video. Please note that some schools block access to YouTube.
This drill is from Coach Dagenais Libero Training DVD. If you are interested in learning more about his 3 disc training program click the link Libero: The Definitive Guide!